What Does a Casting Director Do?
If you’re new to the entertainment industry, figuring out who does what can be a little confusing. Continuing in our blog series introducing key terms and phrases, this week we’re going to talk about the casting director. What do they do? Who are they? And how can you impress them?
The Casting Director Job
Casting directors are essential to the pre-production of any major industry project. Whether it’s film, plays, or modeling, casting directors are there to find the perfect talent for any role.
They are a huge part of the creative staff of a project – working directly with the producers and directors to find the right actors or models for the roles. Their jobs can be complicated and busy as they have many different responsibilities:
- Post casting notices
- Contact agents about certain roles
- Arrange the auditions with talent
- Negotiate talent’s contracts
- Be up to date on current talent trends
- Have extensive knowledge of talents’ range
The casting director will be present at an audition and may have a couple casting assistants with them to help with the decision making. But the final choice is not completely up to them. Casting directors work closely with the producers, directors, clients, and writers before and after the casting process. Once they have a selection of actors, they all meet to make their choice.
The Casting Process
Casting directors do not necessarily work at a talent agency but are part of the creative team behind a specific project. They are the ones who post casting calls and notices for talent agents to see. The talent agents then select which talent they believe would be right for the advertised roles.
Usually the first step for talent will be to send in a video audition. This will be the first time casting directors will see how actors perform and how they look on camera. They get to know certain talent based on seeing multiple auditions and can recommend them to clients and directors because of it.
Read our blog about Video Auditions
Casting directors can contact agents to meet with specific clients and organize the interviews and auditions. They always have roles in mind and can recognize the right person for the job when they meet them.
Casting Workshops
Local Charleston casting director, Nicole Mallozzi from CBS Casting has been to the Discovery National Expo and scouted for talent. She’s given plenty of tips and suggestions to our new talent. This year, she’ll be leading one of our upcoming Regional Workshops. You’ll be able to hear more about her job, what she looks for, and how you can get that part you’re trying out for!
If you want to be a part of this amazing workshop experience, call us today at (843) 849-2560.
Click here to send us your information and tell us a little more about yourself.