In addition to putting in a lot of hard work, using these five tips can help you become a professional model or actor.
1. Make the Decision to Become a Professional Model
The modeling and acting industry is a competitive one. If you want to become a professional model or talent, you have to take it seriously. In order to take the leap, you must decide that you have a passion for performing, or being in front of the camera, and that you are willing to do the work.
2. Create a Talent Resume
There are certain tools that every professional model or talent has. This includes a professional resume. Every performance should be listed on a talent resume with the name of the production, location, and your actual part or involvement. Classes and workshops can be listed under training. Athletic or personal accomplishments can be listed as well. Start keeping track of what you have been doing and who you have been training with. School plays or community theater productions also count. The more credits that you have, the more solid your resume. This lets directors know that you are serious and have been trying to pursue the field for a while.
3. Have a Recent Headshot
A professional photo is your calling card in this industry. This photo should be recent and look like you. Headshots should be generic as not to stereotype yourself. The more of a blank canvas that you are, the better. Smiling in your photo makes you more appealing and approachable. Your teeth don’t have to be perfect and braces are fine too. The important thing is that you look your age, not older. When you are starting out, you simply need several recent snapshots to show at your initial interviews. You do not have to have professional photos to attend an open casting call.
4. Practice Makes Perfect
You should always be taking steps to make yourself a more marketable model or talent. Models should pay attention to the poses models are doing in ads and on the runway. Get used to posing in front of the camera and learning your best looks and angles. Have different expressions and positions ready when working in front of the camera. Actor’s should have a commercial script memorized as well as one or two monologues if you are older and more experienced. These should be age appropriate and hi-light your true personality. Singers and dancers should be ready to present two different styles of song or dance.
5. Be Proactive
Don’t assume that a scout is going to find you. You must seek out opportunities to be seen. Agents and casting directors will not know you exist unless you make yourself visible to them. This is about being in the right place at the right time. If you do not have exposure to these types of contacts, you will never be able to make the entertainment business a career.
Becoming a model or actor doesn’t come easily, but it is incredibly rewarding for those who put in the effort and make it happen. Discovery Spotlight is here to help you achieve your dreams of being in the spotlight.